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New Intel solid-state drive hits 600GB

2011-03-29 09:41 by
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Intel has entered the high-capacity big leagues with a new series of solid-state drives that offer up to 600 gigabytes in capacity.

The world's largest chipmaker is tapping into its most cutting-edge manufacturing technology to get the larger capacities-with chip geometries shrinking to a mere 25 nanometers. Those geometries are a step ahead of its newest Core i series processors, which are built on a slightly "fatter" 32-nanometer manufacturing process.

Intel's third-generation SSD 320 Series comes in 40, 80, 120, 160, 300, and 600GB options.

And, of course, they're faster. The new SSDs deliver up to 39,500 input/output operations per second (IOPS) random reads and 23,000 IOPS random writes on its highest-capacity drives. Maximum sequential write speeds have doubled from its second-generation SSDs to 220 megabytes-per-second (MB/s) sequential writes. Read throughputs have been boosted to 270 MB/s sequential reads. These numbers are comparable to-and in some cases exceed-published numbers from Samsung, a leading SSD manufacturer and supplier.

Read more -here-


  User Reviews/Comments:
by sava700 - 2011-03-29 11:20
Prob costs about $1000....yep just saw it over that. No way would I be getting it for that cost.
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