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Adobe (finally) makes it easier to delete Flash cookies

2011-01-13 09:32 by
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Adobe has finally fixed a privacy weakness that threatened users of its ubiquitous Flash Player: the software's storing of cookie-like files that many websites used to track visitors' behavior against their wishes.

So-called LSOs, or local shared objects, are useful for storing user preferences, such as the preferred sound volume when visiting YouTube, but the Flash feature comes with a dark side. Unscrupulous websites can use them to restore tracking cookies even after a user deliberately deletes them. Files that do this have come to be known as Flash cookies.

Now, developers at Adobe have worked with their counterparts at Mozilla and Google on a programming interface that allows LSOs to be deleted from within the settings panel of compliant browsers. The API, known as NPAPI ClearSiteData, has already been approved for implementation in Firefox. It will soon appear on the Google Chrome dev channel.

Emmy Huang, a Flash Player group project manager who blogged about the change, didn't say if Microsoft or Apple planned to add the feature to Internet Explorer and Safari.

Read more -here-


  User Reviews/Comments:
by anonymous - 2011-01-13 20:35
Sounds intriguing but will a problem arise if you have settings in the adobe settings manager set to specific settings? I mean if you have a specific setting in adobes flash manager, deleting these LSO's in browser would reset the flash player manger settings back to default. I believe one LSO is for adobe flash manager settings. I've always manually went into flash player manger settings and deleted these super cookies after I visit a video site.

Ccleaner does not delete the settings LSO but Fcleaner does.
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