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FCC Approves Net Neutrality Order, But Will It Stick?

2010-12-22 10:38 by
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In a split vote, the Federal Communications Commission approved Tuesday the nation's first legislation aimed at addressing the way that phone, cable and Internet companies interact when it comes to Internet traffic. But despite the commission's historic 3 to 2 vote to pass the network neutrality order, Congress or the courts may end up unraveling the work.

And for proponents of net neutrality, a less than optimal situation could get worse. Supporters are already less than thrilled by the order's provisions, noting the rules don't go far enough in granting equal protection to folks who rely on mobile broadband access compared to those who use fixed, or wired, broadband pipes.

Calling out that disparity is important, they argue, given the growing reliance Americans have on accessing mobile data and other Internet services like banking through their smartphones and mobile devices like tablet computers and notebooks. Over the next four years, shipments of mobile devices are expected to rise 19%, for example.

Read more -here-


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