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Google develops 'Google Earth for the human body'

2010-12-16 09:32 by
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Google's working on a new WebGL application that maps the human body in 3D.

Called Body Browser, it lets users explore the human body in a similar way to Google Earth. Users can zoom in through the layers of skin and muscle to examine particular bones and organs and explode pictures of different body parts.

The application has a search bar and navigation system which looks for all the world like that of Google Earth. There's a YouTube video, here, showing Body Browser demonstrating the skeleton, circulatory system musculature and organs in a rotating, annotated 3D image.

While it will be great for schoolteachers and hypochondriacs, the company hopes it will also prove useful for professionals, allowing clearer detail and more flexibility in anatomy lessons, for example. It could also be helpful in medical research.

Read more -here-


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