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LG Takes Windows 7 Tablet to FCC

2010-11-03 10:53 by
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It appears as though LG is all set to launch it's own Windows 7 tablet in the market! The tablet known as the LG H1000B is being hailed to be a much better Windows 7 tablet than the consumer market shunned HP Slate.

It's being said that the device has paid a visit to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and it appears to be a Windows 7 tablet that offers the possibility of iPhone like touch input; probably even multi-touch input.

The tablet is being referred by the FCC as a "portable computer". Filings in the FCC also confirm the presence of standard features like an SD card slot, WiFi and Bluetooth in this new model.

Even after the recent postponement of its plans of launching the Android tablet to 2011, LG is quite confident on its foray into the Windows 7 market with the H1000B. And with the number of Android tablets increasing in the market by the day, it would be a welcomed move to have a Windows 7 tablet addition.

Read more -here-


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