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Adobe security flaw undermines nearly every OS

2010-10-29 09:31 by
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Undermining secuirty seems to be a particular strength of Adobe as shown by the latest security bulletin put out by the firm.

In it, the firm delivers the shocking news that its Flash Player, Reader and Acrobat software have a vulnerability that could potentially allow hackers to gain complete control over computers. At this point, most will be thinking that only Microsoft Windows users are affected but no, this particular vulnerability does a number on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android and even Solaris users.

The vulnerability affects Adobe Flash Player for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Solaris and on Android, Adobe Flash Player and earlier versions are affected. All versions of Adobe Reader 9.x are affected on Windows, OS X and UNIX systems while all versions of Adobe Acrobat 9.x are affected on Windows and Macintosh machines.

Or, to put it another way, if you run any version of Adobe Flash, Reader or Acrobat put out in the last few years, you are in trouble. But never fear, the bulletin cites that "Adobe categorizes this as a critical issue." Well, that's certainly comforting. Not.

Read more -here-


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