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Yahoo revamps its search engine

2010-10-07 09:46 by
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Yahoo is rolling out a new search experience today, making its web search more streamlined and visual, improving its mobile search and adding a list of hot search topics to the Yahoo front page.

Now, when you search for entertainment or news-related topics, instead of a long list of results you'll get a box with vertical tabs, which give you several different ways to examine the topic.

For example, if you type in the name of a movie, you'll get the latest news on it in the "Overview" tab; you can read reviews in the "Stories" tab, watch trailers for the movie in the "Videos" tab, or check out the latest buzz about the movie in the "Twitter" tab.

The changes make Yahoo search quite different from Microsoft's Bing, although both are based on the same technology. Yahoo obviously wants to make its search more streamlined and give it a curated look, instead of letting the user picking from a long list of links.

Read more -here-


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