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Boxee Box to Ship in November

2010-09-14 09:47 by
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What a difference a year makes. When Boxee and D-Link unveiled the Boxee Box in late 2009, things were pretty quiet on the Internet-TV-in-the-living-room front. Now, after a bit of a delay, the companies are getting ready to ship the Box in November. And it’ll compete against the all-new Apple TV, set-top boxes and TVs based on Google TV, the first devices that support Hulu Plus, and a bevy of other methods of getting video off the Internet and onto an HDTV. Little Boxee, in other words, will face daunting competition from some pretty formidable rivals.

I met with Boxee CEO Avner Rosen and D-Link Director of Consumer Marketing Brent Collins this weekend to get a sneak peek of a nearly-final Boxee Box. And you know what? Despite the avalanche of competition it’ll face, it still looks pretty cool.

The two companies are releasing some new tidbits about the Box today. They say the $200 gizmo will ship on schedule in November, and that they’re taking pre-orders via starting today. (Amazon buyers will get their Boxes a week before other folks.)

Read more -here-


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