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Microsoft Eyeing October For Windows Phone 7 Launch

2010-09-10 09:34 by


The pieces are slowly falling into place. Microsoft first announced Window Phone 7 during the Mobile World Congress event in February. At the time, it mentioned a target availability date of the 2010 holiday shopping season. That would make October the perfect time to kick things off, and that's just what reports are saying.

Pocket-Lint, quoting "multiple sources familiar with the matter" on Thursday reported that Windows Phone 7 will be launched by Microsoft on Monday, October 11, at a huge event to take place in New York City. "I'm told WP7 will be announced officially in early October. The exact date will have to come from Microsoft," said Pocket-Lint's source. The event will be webcast around the world. This sounds about right for Microsoft.

The Redmond-based company may have used Barcelona to stage its mobile comeback, but New York City has seen its fair share of important Microsoft launches, including the Tablet PC in 2002. In 2009, Microsoft launched Windows Mobile 6.5 during October. Seems fitting that Windows Phone 7 would come almost exactly a year later.

Read more -here-


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