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Apple sits on a patch for a critical flaw

2010-08-09 10:58 by
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Apple has apparently come up with a patch for a critical flaw in the Iphone OS that gives a hacker so much control over the device that they might as well be Steve Jobs.

As we reported last week, Apple was dead keen to find a fix for the flaw. This is not because Jobs' Mob has been listening to insecurity experts who have been warning that a worm will be infecting Iphones shortly unless a patch is released. Apple is more interested in getting the patch for its IOS security flaw because it is a key component in jailbreaking Iphones.

The thought that users might actually have some control over their machines is the sort of thing that causes Steve Jobs night terrors. If Apple users break out of his walled garden they might find themselves much happier, which is something that the Apple CEO doesn't want to allow.

At the moment the Iphone is so vulnerable that kids can go into Apple stores and jailbreak the phones for a laugh.

Read more -here-


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