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Open source hack aids mobile phone snooping

2010-07-28 10:38 by
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A US hacker has used open source software to break mobile phone networks and listen in on conversations.

Occasional freelance security expert and hacker Chris Paget built the system for less than $1,000. That was spent on the hardware required to break GSM phones. The rest of his hack used only open source software that is of course freely available to anyone with an Internet connection.

According to Reuters, US coppers spend a fortune on expensive snooping kit called IMSI catcher. Now Paget is offering to demo his much less expensive alternative at Defcon after the Black Hat convention.

Paget's hack so far only works using GSM technology but that is used by big US telcos like AT&T and T-Mobile.

A probably self-satisfied Paget told Reuters that "GMS is broken" and "it's really not hard to build these things."

Read more -here-


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