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Apple attacks Droid X antenna reception

2010-07-26 09:47 by
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Apparently Apple still needs to feel better about itself after its iPhone 4 press conference earlier this month, as it is now seemingly on a mission to belittle every other smartphone on the market.

In what has become one of the most childish responses to a serious internal error in the history of consumer electronics, Apple has refused to accept any sort of fault for designing its newest iPhone in such a way that it makes it easy to accidentally obscure the device's antenna reception.

Instead, it has called out practically every other major player in the smartphone industry and shouted out, "Yeah, well they suck too!" (Not a direct quote)

Like a playground bully with no friends, Apple seems to have gotten a new high from doing this, and now the company has actually devoted a whole team of resources to create a video that shows how Motorola's Droid X supposedly suffers from the same "Death Grip" problem:

Read more -here-


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