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First Dual Carrier HSPA+ network in the world launched by Telstra

2010-02-22 09:40 by
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Following recent upgrades to its HSPA+ broadband network the telecommunications giant Telstra has announced the launch of world first Dual Carrier Network and in order to take full advantage of these incredible new speeds it has also launched the first wireless broadband device to be used over its upgraded network.

With an ever increasing demand for smart devices many mobile carriers have had to work hard to provide smart networks that will accommodate the increased demand for wireless services said David Thodey, the CEO for Telstra.

Mr Thodey advised "The completion of the HSPA+ Dual Carrier upgrade will mean a better customer experience in areas of high demand, making the Telstra Next G™ network better placed to deal with the capacity demands that are causing headaches for other carriers around the world."

When compared to the previous downlink speeds available over the Telstra network the new HSPA+ Dual Carrier technology provided peak downlink speeds over the network of up to 42Mbps and this is managed by receiving and sending data wirelessly across the network using two channels simultaneously. The peak network speeds offered over the new Telstra network are, however, only theoretical maximums and it is rare that actual download speeds available to customers will hit these kinds of speeds.

Read more -here-


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