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Mobile World Congress: 'Mobile data traffic will be 50 times higher by 2015'

2010-02-16 09:42 by
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Mobile phone traffic will grow by a factor of 50 as the mobile phone industry attracts three billion new mobile broadband subscribers and delivers billions of new content-rich applications, says Hans Vestberg CEO of mobile phone maker Ericsson.

Vestberg told delegates at the Mobile World Congress that the industry's future success depended on applications and sorting out problems, rather than technology.

He said the past decade had seen the number of mobile subscriptions worldwide grow sixfold to 4.6 billion. "Mobile broadband has had its breakthrough and we believe that we will see three billion new mobile broadband subscriptions in the next five years," he said.

Vestberg forecast that by 2015 mobile PC subscriptions will have grown by six times and the traffic generated would be more than 50 times higher than at the end of 2009. He said the number of smartphone devices would grow fourfold and the traffic they generate would grow by more than 25 times.

Read more -here-


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