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Fox Studios calls for US to follow French anti-piracy law model

2009-11-25 08:43 by


Movie Monger Fox Studios is lobbying the US government to pass an anti-piracy law modelled on the one that is being introduced in France.

The chief executive of Fox Filmed Entertainment said Monday the US should join France in cutting off the Internet connections of users who repeatedly download copyright protected films.

CEO Jim Gianopulos said Internet 'piracy' is the single biggest threat to the film industry worldwide, and independent films are the hardest hit. Of course not having any ideas and spending a lot of cash on turkeys has nothing to do with it.

Gianopulos told a news conference in Athens, ironically a city whose name is synonymous with democracy and free speech, that it was bad news that the Internet is big and anonymous and it was expensive for the movie studios to chase down 'pirates'.

He demanded that ISPs act like policemen and track down subscribers on behalf of the movie studies, which have discovered that doing the job themselves was making them about as popular as the Boston Strangler.

Gianopulos said punishing repeat offenders would help create "a level playing field" for filmmakers. Well obviously not all filmmakers. Those studios that made the most money would save the most if 'piracy' was punished by crucifixion for a first offence.

Apparenlty the film studios make sod all money from their flicks, and 'pirates' take away the only cash they make, leaving them on the street with beggers bowls. Some movie executives can't even afford to keep their fourth mansion and have had to sell their wives' second stretch limos

Read the full story -here-


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