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Verizon tests sending RIAA copyright notices

2009-11-13 09:44 by
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Verizon Communications customers who pirate music files may soon receive an unwelcome letter from the company.

Verizon, the second-largest phone company in the United States, is expected to begin issuing "copyright notices" on behalf of the Recording Industry Association of America to those accused of illegally downloading songs from the Web, according to sources with knowledge of the agreement.

The sources, who asked for anonymity, said Verizon's letter campaign is part of a test, which is expected to begin on Thursday. Jonathan Lamy, an RIAA spokesman, confirmed the existence of the test but declined further comment.

The move is significant for the music industry because among Internet service providers, Verizon has typically been among the most reluctant to intervene in copyright cases on behalf of entertainment companies.

Read more -here-


  User Reviews/Comments:
by sava700 - 2009-11-13 12:54
They shouldn't be getting involved in the first place... but this is only blowing smoke and Verizon's way of getting the RIAA off their backs by "doing something". They won't start cutting people off..they will lose money and they won't go that route.
by YARDofSTUF - 2009-11-13 13:49
Even if they don't cancel customers accounts, if they help the RIAA build better cases, the RIAA may force violators to be cut off via the courts. This could morph into Verizon fining its customers for such activities as well.

Much more than just blowing smoke.
by sava700 - 2009-11-13 19:47
all smoke blowing... I don't see this but no more than that and a PR build between Verizon and the RIAA.
by YARDofSTUF - 2009-11-13 20:05
Positive PR towards the RIAA from Verizon is good for what?

Its a limited road. Buit, what coudl the RIAA use that PR for to accomplish their own goals?

This sets a more detailed trail of offender behavior that the RIAA can subpoena the records of in court cases.

Its not so much about what Verizon will try to do, but what the RIAA will try to do, and hwo they can manipulate this relationship with Verizon.
by shinobi - 2009-11-13 23:47
The problem with Verizon, is they got too big.. when that happens to a company they start forgetting the customers that helped them along the way.

I use to be a business partners with Verizon when they first started ADSL service. After a few years, they burned me. And I vowed to never use or recommend them to any of my customers, in regards to both internet and cell phone service.

The only thing that Verizon is going to get with this RIAA partnership is less customers. Working with the RIAA is just bad business.
by zoltan - 2009-11-17 10:19
give verizon some bitchslapping blowback

demand re-institution of the horrifically socialist 'net neutrality'. let's threadten their bottom line with it in exchange for them not kow towing to a fascist state

any takers?
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